You can, but you shouldn't complain that things are boring - that there isn't enough going on. That your town is too small, your weekends are repetitive, and your motivation for life in general isn't strong enough to actually do anything about it. We, as a generation, have been so overloaded with excitement that it turns to white noise. I remember dating a guy in high school who took a vacation with his family every single spring break. I think it's nice they spend their money on quality time together as a family but I noticed his 8- and 10-year-old siblings being less than impressed by Disney World because they had been there so many times that its excitement wore off. While on the topic of Disney, I even noticed the huge gap between my excitement and my friends' this summer when I finally had the opportunity to go. It was my first time and growing up, the exciting vacations me and my family took were to PEI and Moncton - cheah... Crystal Palace... Sandspit... so bomb.
Okay, okay. I'll admit I am kind of envious of people who grew up going to really amazing places and experiencing travel before they were even old enough to travel on their own. My point isn't to say that traveling and excitement and big Christmas's are bad in and of themselves. I guess my point is just to say that we are so bombarded by materialistic forms of pleasure and joy that we exhaust ourselves with so many activities and it becomes increasingly more difficult to satisfy our needs.
Just a thought to ponder on.
Maybe... when we are feeling bored... that we don't have enough... or that we're not doing enough exciting things, we should really stop and be grateful that we don't have something in our lives to legitimately complain about - as many of us do. If we find ourselves in a place where things are just plain boring, don't jinx it by wishing you had something to do. Because sure enough, there will be times you'll have something to do - and it will be anything but pleasurable. We are just on such roller coasters. Sometimes we're going up. Sometimes we feel we're crashing down. And sometimes we are at a standstill - the place in the roller coaster where you're moving but you're not feeling anything. Be thankful for those moments.
Be grateful. When you have a pet pass away (RIP Jude), you get dumped by a significant other, or worst of all, you lose a loved one or close friend to a tragic accident, you'll really notice the difference between boredom and drama, trauma, and sadness. And you'll miss having nothing to do or think about.
Let's just think about it friends.
the Samaritan woman at the well

I love my Mom:
"... let the portals open and the of glory come down from heaven and fill you with the healing and peace and freedom that is yours to enjoy.
- Mom
I feel like a bit of a doe-doe.
I spent the night at HOME-home last night which was beyond lovely. Had some real heart-to-hearts with Mom and relaxed. The best part was when I got up this morning to go to my 7am shift and she got up with me at 6am to make me coffee and breakfast which was totally unnecessary but very appreciated. She dropped me off and the first thing I said when I walked into the break room and saw Julia and Lauren was "I can't believe we're going to be here for 8 hours... that's such a long time." Haha... well... I ate my words no more than 2 minutes later when I discovered I wasn't suppose to be there until 3pm. Wicckkkeed. Nothing better than getting up at 6 for no reason.
It turns out I am actually happy. Not happy about working the 3-11 shift - I strongly dislike the 3-11 shift - but I'm glad I didn't know I was working that shift. If I did, I would have slept in, and bummed around until 3. I'm much happier getting up early and being productive. Can't even go back to bed because I've already had 2 cups of coffee. But I'm sure a nap will be in order after I go to the gym.
Anyways, since I've got a bit of extra time on my hands, I'll share some things. I chose point form, cause I have a lot to say and they don't really have anything to do with one another:
Work In Progress…
I spent the night at HOME-home last night which was beyond lovely. Had some real heart-to-hearts with Mom and relaxed. The best part was when I got up this morning to go to my 7am shift and she got up with me at 6am to make me coffee and breakfast which was totally unnecessary but very appreciated. She dropped me off and the first thing I said when I walked into the break room and saw Julia and Lauren was "I can't believe we're going to be here for 8 hours... that's such a long time." Haha... well... I ate my words no more than 2 minutes later when I discovered I wasn't suppose to be there until 3pm. Wicckkkeed. Nothing better than getting up at 6 for no reason.
It turns out I am actually happy. Not happy about working the 3-11 shift - I strongly dislike the 3-11 shift - but I'm glad I didn't know I was working that shift. If I did, I would have slept in, and bummed around until 3. I'm much happier getting up early and being productive. Can't even go back to bed because I've already had 2 cups of coffee. But I'm sure a nap will be in order after I go to the gym.
Anyways, since I've got a bit of extra time on my hands, I'll share some things. I chose point form, cause I have a lot to say and they don't really have anything to do with one another:
- Jude fail #691: knocks over my full 1-litre cup of water from my tall dresser beside my bed onto me and my body in the middle of the night. Talk about worst wake-up ever. Needless to say, I'm pretty sure I gave him an even stronger concussion than he already has.
- I'm no movie-critic, but I'm pretty sure Couple's Retreat makes my top ten boring movies list. Such a waste of $7.
- I gave up beer. Haaah. Wish me luck on that one.
- Zero motivation for school. I don't know what's happened to me. I use to be so studious and now I'm a last-minute kind of studier. Don't care.
- I miss O.C. and all the people in it.
- One-Month-Til-X-Ring was so much fun. Everyone was just so happy and carefree. I want to do it again.
- I bought a camera. Finally. I've been going crazy since I broke mine in SanFran - always depending on other people for pics. Claire: CanonPowerShot-SD1000. Sound familiar?
- 26 days until The Bling-Blang X-Rang Yo. :)
- Emotional-Theme-Of-Life-Lately = Insecure. Should I even admit that? Isn't that giving my insecurities more power? I dunno. All I know is that it's there and I want it to leave. So that's been my reason for getting rid of Facebook for a week. It's hard enough living in the real world with 100's of societal pressures but then throw the cyber world in there and it's a whole new battle. I've been focusing my attention toward God and the promises he's given me:
- 1 Peter 2:9 "But you are not like that. You are a chosen people. You are a kingdom of priests, God's holy nation, His very own possession"
- Ephesians 1:6-8 "So we praise God fo the wonderful kindness he has poured out on us because we belong to his dearly loved Son. He is so rich in kindness that he purchased our freedom through the blood of his Son, and our sins are forgiven. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding"
- 2:8a "God saved you by his special favor when you believed."
- Ahh. I could go on and on. It's truly the only way I can successfully do this "life" thing. I am over building my identity on things that fail me.
- I feel like a bit of a hypocrite since the title of my blog is "Content with where I am and getting where I need to be." I want to be content like that. I'm working on it.
Work In Progress…
you make all things work together for my good
"I know I still make mistakes but
You have new mercies for me everyday.
& Your Love never fails."
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