why i like the male species:
They’re cute
They smell soooo good (Old Spice☺)
They give you butterflies without even trying
They can make your day with just one word
They hold you (and make you feel small in their arms)
When they show affection in public
When they act like your petty worries are important just to make you feel better
When they make you forget your petty worries just by being there
When they make life seem SO SIMPLE
When the make you chase
When they chase you
When they make you feel worth a lot of energy
How they look when they get out of the shower and their hair is wet
When they tell jokes
When they’re dirty, it’s sexy
When they don’t care – it’s sexy
When they get dressed up
When they are working out and sweaty
When they try and play it cool but you can tell they’re nervous
When they observe small and wonderful things about you that you never realized about yourself
When they take charge
When they kiss you on your forehead, nose, cheek, hand
When they pick you up
When they drive
When they have to do something serious and take it really seriously… I just think that’s cute
When they don’t have shirts on
When they genuinely smile because something made them happy
When you know that it’s you that made them happy
When they listen to you talk forever
When they admit they’re wrong
When they call you pet names or nick names
When you discover that they’ve said something really wonderful about you to other people
When they are shaving
When they call you just to say hey and hear about your day – no reason
How they have tanned backs and necks and white butts
The jewelry they pick out for you
When they give you flowers
When they believe in you when you need to hear it the most (or when no one else does)
When they fight for you
When they are loving
When they play with kids/hold babies
When they are charming & you know they are being charming but you’re falling for it anyways
When they say “You’re beautiful”, “You’re amazing” etc out of absolutely no where
When they believe you are special and tell you that AND make you feel it
The way they will be the big spoon (sacrifice watching their favorite movie, etc) for you just because they love spoiling you
The way they protect you
The way they look in sunglasses
The way they love ball caps even though… didn’t those go out of style in 6th grade?
When they are old school and pay your way into the movies
When they are old school and pick you up at your door and walk you back
When they say “I can’t keep my hands off you”
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