
Single Milk. Half Sugar.

I'm working at Tim Horton's. Also known as Timmy-Ho's. Also known as the place where old men get coffee and sit for copius amounts of time and look out the window and where hockey mom's get their daily doses of happiness and sanity. Where I will be wearing baggy brown pants, a visor and hair net. Where I will have to work early morning shifts.
Eeee. Haha I am kinda excited. Don't ask why.


My Bucket List

This is more of a reminder for myself. But if you feel the need to be inspired, this might be a good place to look :)

. Have a window seat in my future house .
. See a National Park in Utah (preferably Bryce) .
. Go to the Philippines to meet my sponsor child, Laarne .
. Sky-Dive and/or Bungee Jump .
. Pierce something other than my earlobe .
. Learn Sign Language .
. Get a tattoo .
. Take a pottery class .
. Own a pug .
. Do missions .
. Make a scrap-book about my life journey (all the big moments) .
. Make a play-list where each song stands for a pivotal moment in my life .
. Write and record one good song .
. Send an anonymous care package to someone who needs it .
. Get and STAY in shape .
. Make a vow and keep it forever .
. Meet Mikey Mouse .
. See RK in concert again .
. See Hillsong in Australia .
. See Paris .
. Own a genuinely vintage dress .
. Go back to Sandy Hill camp .
. Use "Xavier" as a middle name for one of my children .
. Get an X-ring .
. Learn how to solve a Rubix Cube .
. Get a grad degree .
. Stay in the South for an all-inclusive vacation at a resort .
. Go on a cruise .
. Share a kiss in a hot-air balloon .
. Build a tree-house .
. Get a flip-flop tan .
. Have a breakfast nook in my future house .
. Get a motorcycle license and own a motorcycle .
. Learn how to whistle through my fingers .
. Perform a random act of kindness for a homeless person .
. Volunteer at a homeless youth shelter .
. Have confetti fall on my head .
. Own an espresso machine .
. Own a black leather coat .
. Practice meditation .
. Be HOLY .
. Own a cottage .
. Volunteer at L'arshe .
. Volunteer at a nursing home .
. Own something that is real Louis Vuitton .
. Learn how to Ski/Snowboard and live in the mountains .
. Sleep on flower pedals .
. Change someone's life .
. Learn how to BBQ .
. Wear bright red lipstick .
. See a penguin up-close (touch it!) .
. Go to a talk-show (like Tyra) .
. Go black-water rafting in New Zealand .



Hearts are Magnets

Tonight I catch the 8pm ferry back to the mainland. I'm nervous. I know Riley is too. This morning I was in his arms and he started this conversation:
"Are you scared?"
"Yep. Are you?"
"What are you afraid of?"
"That it's going to fade"
At this point, I have nothing to do with this... and neither does Riley. I feel like our "success" (whatever that standard may be) is purely contingent on our faith. It's not based on our schedules matching and having a Skype date every day just to make sure we stay in touch. It's not based on our comings and goings, our good talks and our bad talks. I think we've both come to realize that this is beyond those surface things. I think it has been from the first time we've talked. Jason Reeves's, Hearts Are Magnets, describes it perfectly:
"And it's obvious that this is beyond both of us
'Cause hearts are magnets
Pulling us together"
At this point I realize that the best way to go about this is to throw my hands in the air, tell God I love him, and that I want only his will - his best. My hope is that his plan is what I feel it is. I know I don't need to predict the future to believe that this will be what it will be, and that if God is in it, it's going to be everything I've always wanted and more.



This is how I feel today, August 19, 2009, in Charlottetown, PEI.

I feel euphoric. Like things are good and they all are going to be okay.

I feel giddy. Noodle head never stops making me laugh with his goofy antics, and his wild dance-moves in the kitchen.

I feel blessed. God is with me every day. In the sun, the stars, the sunflower Noodle head gave me last night, and through the smiles that continually appear on my face because of a beautiful person that God so greatly gave me.

I feel reflective. I’m thinking constantly about Irvine, CA, and all my adventures, and what I learned from them.

I feel hot. It’s hot in the Maritimes.

I feel wholesome – the kind of happiness I value at the moment are in the small things.

I feel thankful. I have no money but I have everything I need.

I feel brave. I’m going back to X a conqueror. In academics, socials, and extra-curricular. I’m going to conquer.

I feel hopeful. I’m going to find a job and get more money.

I feel anxious to get things started.

I feel like jamming to Akon all day long.